The Royal Oak Senior League is an “over 45” league with several players in their 70’s. The league began the 1979-1980 season as a four team league out of Berkley Arena. Several members of the original four team league are still playing today. Relocating to Royal Oak in the early 1990’s, the ROSL eventually expanded to its current six team format and has since called John Lindell Ice Arena home.
ROSL is a “draft” league; that is they choose new teams every year for their participants. “Drafting” builds certain camaraderie, as, a player skating against you this year may end up on your team the next season. The league remains very competitive while building life long friendships along the way.
For complete season information and statistics, please visit www.roseniors.hockeyleaguestats.com. Here you will find a brief history and dedication to the ancient tribes of Molson and Labatt. The ROSL takes hockey very serious while keeping in mind the entire idea is to get some exercise and most of all HAVE FUN!